Saturday 18 July, 2009

Does the God exist?

I call myself an atheist. But this is the question that must be pinging the human beings for ages, does the God really exists?
Usually, there are 4 standard opinions. First opinion accepts that the God exist and the people with this opinion don't have any questions regarding the belief of existing of God. The most obvious arguments to support their opinion is that despite our scientific advances we still are unable to justify a lot of happenings in this world. These are the people who believe it is a sin to question the existence of God. Surprisingly this is my favorite topic of discussion.
The second opinion accepts the God, because we have believed in this for ages and things have been working fine this way. The people with this opinion don't feel that they have argument for or against this as this explains most of the events in their lives.
Third opinion accepts the God, but has its own doubts with the theory of God. These people use the existence of God as per their convenience, although at times personally they would have none of it. But on public front they would never accept that they question the God.
Fourth opinion does not believe in God. This is very small group which is usually treated by the society as a rebellion. I and people from this group, however, like to be branded as thinkers.
Since I personally support the fourth opinion, I would like to add my argument through this blog. But to remain honest I would also like to keep the feedback of people from the first three opinions as well.
So, my coming posts will be a bit rebellion to the taste of society, but that is an archived true discussion from a public forum. Even though right now I have committed to post frequently, but as usual the posts may be posted irregularly due to primarily my mood swings and work commitments. I would also edit the discussion a bit to keep the things in context and hide the personal identifications.

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